Anti-racism Resources

Anti-racism Resources
July 16, 2020 By: Molly Kilbridge, Manager of Community & Family Learning

Anti-racism Resources

The Frick is proud to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

It is up to all of us to deepen our understanding of systemic racism and implicit bias, so we can be a part of the changes our country needs to make. This list of adult resources will help to begin the difficult conversations we should be having with ourselves, our friends, and our families.  

Anti-racism is something we will need to work on for the rest of our lives. As we begin to address our own thoughts and actions, we can also help our children. We have compiled this list of family resources to help support you in your journey towards growth and change.  

This is just a start. The list we have compiled is unfinished. There are so many resources out there, and we do not know them all. We each have our own experiences and understanding, and yours will be different from mine. We encourage all of you to seek resources beyond this list and we will continue to do the same. Let’s grow this list together.

Please share with us any resources that you have found particularly useful by sending them in to us at
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