A Pittsburgh Christmas, 125 years ago
As many of us frantically prepare for Christmas next week (including yours truly!) one of the things we might do is to check the weather forecast to see if we can expect a white Christmas. While it looks like this year we are in for a 40-degree cloudy day, Pittsburgh had an unusually warm, sunny Christmas 125 years ago, in 1893.
On Tuesday, December 26, The Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette published many small pieces of information that together give us a picture of a city that was enjoying decidedly un-Christmas like weather. A piece titled, “A Summer Day: Many People Enjoy Christmas by Basking in Sunshine” stated, “The streets were crowded all day yesterday. It was a perfect green Christmas. The sun shone like a summer’s day and the winds were soft and balmy. It was a pleasure to stand in the avenue and watch the throng roll by. Everybody seemed to be happy. Pleasant smiles told of the goodness of Santa Claus to old and young.”
Evidently the day was too nice to spend indoors, even to see a performance, according to another December 26 article titled, “The Playhouses were Crowded with Holiday Visitors.” “All the theaters gave matinees yesterday afternoon. The pretty summer-like weather kept many people away. Those who are in the habit of spending Christmas afternoon in the playhouses put the pleasure off until last night. When the curtains went up for the evening entertainments the houses were all packed.”

Phipps Conservatory, 1893
The holiday pastime of visiting Phipps Conservatory, still very popular today, was first enjoyed by Pittsburghers on that balmy holiday of 1893, which was the year that Henry Phipps built and gifted the conservatory to the city. As the Commercial Gazette reported in a piece titled, “All Seasons are Alike to Young Folks in Love,” Pittsburghers basked in fresh air and sunshine to celebrate the day. “The bright, warm weather took many people to the parks yesterday. Hundreds visited the Phipps Conservatory at Schenley, as many promenaded around the reservoirs, and the Allegheny parks were thronged. All the seats in them were occupied mostly by young couples who were visibly in love.”

The Dining Room at Clayton
We don’t know exactly how the Frick family celebrated the sunny Christmas of 1893, but it’s likely that they too spent some time outside. That year their son Childs was 10 years old and daughter Helen was 5, and likely wouldn’t miss the joy of a spring-like day in the middle of winter -- after, of course, a morning spent opening presents including books and toys like those on display in the Nursery during our holiday tour this year. A family dinner in the Dining Room, prepared and served by domestic staff who would have enjoyed their time off on December 26, would be a high point of the day.

The Nursery at Clayton
Whatever our weather next week, we hope you enjoy the day as much as Pittsburghers did in 1893. Happy Holidays from all of us at The Frick Pittsburgh!
Holiday tours of Clayton are offered through January 6, 2019.
Learn more
Evidently the day was too nice to spend indoors, even to see a performance, according to another December 26 article titled, “The Playhouses were Crowded with Holiday Visitors.” “All the theaters gave matinees yesterday afternoon. The pretty summer-like weather kept many people away. Those who are in the habit of spending Christmas afternoon in the playhouses put the pleasure off until last night. When the curtains went up for the evening entertainments the houses were all packed.”
Phipps Conservatory, 1893
The holiday pastime of visiting Phipps Conservatory, still very popular today, was first enjoyed by Pittsburghers on that balmy holiday of 1893, which was the year that Henry Phipps built and gifted the conservatory to the city. As the Commercial Gazette reported in a piece titled, “All Seasons are Alike to Young Folks in Love,” Pittsburghers basked in fresh air and sunshine to celebrate the day. “The bright, warm weather took many people to the parks yesterday. Hundreds visited the Phipps Conservatory at Schenley, as many promenaded around the reservoirs, and the Allegheny parks were thronged. All the seats in them were occupied mostly by young couples who were visibly in love.”
The Dining Room at Clayton
We don’t know exactly how the Frick family celebrated the sunny Christmas of 1893, but it’s likely that they too spent some time outside. That year their son Childs was 10 years old and daughter Helen was 5, and likely wouldn’t miss the joy of a spring-like day in the middle of winter -- after, of course, a morning spent opening presents including books and toys like those on display in the Nursery during our holiday tour this year. A family dinner in the Dining Room, prepared and served by domestic staff who would have enjoyed their time off on December 26, would be a high point of the day.
The Nursery at Clayton
Whatever our weather next week, we hope you enjoy the day as much as Pittsburghers did in 1893. Happy Holidays from all of us at The Frick Pittsburgh!
Holiday tours of Clayton are offered through January 6, 2019.
Learn more