Gifts of Stock

Using appreciated stock is an excellent way to make a gift to the Frick because it offers significant tax benefits without affecting your cash flow.

Gifts of stock or appreciated assets
Many donors choose to make gifts of appreciated stocks or mutual funds to offset an anticipated capital gains tax. Even better, you can take a sizeable charitable deduction on your taxes—a deduction that can be used to offset other taxes. Stock or other appreciated assets can also be used to fund a charitable trust or life income agreement.

Transfer of Stock
Before transferring stock to the Frick, please notify us of your intentions and the details of your gift, including stock type and number of shares to be transferred.  We will need this information to properly credit you and issue a receipt for tax purposes.  Below is the information to provide to your broker for an electronic transfer of your gift:

PNC Bank
DTC # 2616
Account Number: 21-10-001-3738193
Attention: Christina Hritz, 412-768-6324

For more information on making a gift of stock, contact:
Advancement & Engagement staff at 412-342-4086 or