Curious? Take a peek!
If you've been to the Frick lately, you've seen that we're making improvements to the Car and Carriage Museum. You might have peeked through one of the portholes to see cars being moved or interior scaffold being errected.
The Car and Carriage Museum collection is being kept safe and sound while we make important and necessary repairs to the museum roof. These essential repairs will ensure that our permanent collection is preserved for generations to come and will allow us to get the galleries in tip-top shape for Black Mobility: Autonomy and the Automobile in Pittsburgh 1916–1955 (May 13, 2023–February 4, 2024).
The Car and Carriage Museum collection is being kept safe and sound while we make important and necessary repairs to the museum roof. These essential repairs will ensure that our permanent collection is preserved for generations to come and will allow us to get the galleries in tip-top shape for Black Mobility: Autonomy and the Automobile in Pittsburgh 1916–1955 (May 13, 2023–February 4, 2024).
If you are interested in learning more or would like to make a donation to support these improvements or the Black Mobility exhibition, please email Maddy Rolla or call her at 412-342-4098.
On September 6, 2022, the Car and Carriage Museum will close for approximately six months.
- During that time, the entire collection of cars and carriages will be placed in storage.
- Only the Community Room (the function space on the north side of the Car and Carriage Museum building) and accessible restrooms will be open.
- The nearby Education Center will remain open as usual.
- The closure will accommodate much-needed repairs to the roof and ceiling.
- Preventing future water incursion will help to preserve the collection for all.
- When the museum reopens in March 2023, it will have a watertight slate roof, additional insulation to enhance the building’s energy efficiency, and a freshly repainted interior.
- Watch our website for updates about the next exhibition in the Car and Carriage Museum, Black Mobility: Autonomy and the Automobile in Pittsburgh 1916–1955 (May 13, 2023–February 4, 2024).
- Black Mobility will not only be the first exhibition in the refurbished galleries, it will also be the first-ever Car and Carriage Museum exhibition to be accompanied by a catalogue.
The Frick has embarked on a series of construction projects, including these important improvements to the Car and Carriage Museum. Together, they will improve accessibility to our site, preserve our collections for future generations, and enhance the beauty and safety of our garden campus. Curious to learn more?
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